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Monday, August 24, 2020
Business and technology Essay
The subsequent issue focused on the effect of separation conveyance on the adequacy of human services. The third issue included an assurance of the impacts that the utilization of electronic interchanges have on social insurance conveyance today. The fourth issue required a projection of the probable influences that the proceeded with utilization of electronic interchanges will have on medicinal services conveyance. These interrelated issues are tended to in independent conversations in this paper. Electronic Communications as an External Delivery Mechanism When considering the manners by which electronic correspondences might be applied viably as an outside conveyance component in the correspondence of patient-pecific data, it is valuable to initial (a) recognize the gatherings who will probably be engaged with such trades and to (b) decide the kinds of data well on the way to be traded. Further, contingent on of kinds of data liable to be traded it is additionally helpful to think about how and in what structure such data is created (Committee on Redesigning Health Insurance Performance Measures, Payment, and Performance Improvement Programs, 2006; Committee on Public Health Strategies to Improve Health Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, 2012; World Health Organization, 2008). The gathering sets well on the way to be engaged with electronic interchanges trades are (a) supplier to-quiet, (b) tolerant to-supplier, (c) supplier to-supplier, and (d) supplier to-parties other than patients and different suppliers (Committee on Redesigning Health Insurance Performance Measures, Payment, and Performance Improvement Programs, 2006; Committee on Public Health Strategies to Improve Health Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, 2012; World Health Organization, 2008). In these examples particularly so in supplier to-parties other than patients and different suppliers, the ssues of patient security and the respectability of patient-explicit information must be a significant tocal point (McGraw, 2 The sorts ot tolerant explicit intormation prone to be traded among suppliers and patients, paying little heed to the bearing of the underlying agreement in such trades, are (a) quiet manifestations and concerns, (b) supplier care headings and questions to patients concerning their clinical conditions. The sorts of patient-explicit data destined to be traded among suppliers are (a) demands for the direct of assessments and different strategies and b) counsels concerning the fitting treatment conventions for explicit patients. The sorts of patient-explicit data destined to be traded among suppliers and gatherings other than patients and different suppliers are (an) understanding explicit information required by regulatory staff for booking and charging purposes and (b) persistent explicit information required by medicinal services funders for reasons for explicit treatment approvals (Committee on Redesigning Health Insurance and Public Health Practice, 2012; World Health Organization, 2008).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Help of Technology to the Stock Market
The reason for this exploration paper is to demonstrate that innovation has been useful for the securities exchange. On account of innovation, there are presently more merchants than any other time in recent memory as a result of the simplicity of exchanging on the web with firms, for example, Auditrade and Ameritrade. There are likewise more stocks that are doing great since they are in the innovation field. The New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ have both profited by the ongoing innovative development. The NYSE says they â€Å"are devoted to keeping up the most proficient and innovatively propelled commercial center in the world.†The way in to that administration has been the cutting edge innovation and frameworks improvement. Innovation serves to help and upgrade the human judgment at retail location. NASDAQ, the world†s first completely electronic securities exchange, began exchanging on February eighth, 1971. Today, it is the quickest developing financial exchange in the United States. It alo positions second among the world†s protections as far as dollar esteem. By continually developing to meet the changing needs of financial specialists and open organizations, NASDAQ has accomplished more than practically some other market, in a shorter timeframe. Innovation has additionally helped financial specialists purchase stocks in different markets. Markets used to open at standard neighborhood times. This would make an American merchant rest through most of a Japanese exchanging day. With progressively on the web and twilight exchanging, speculators have more access to business sectors so American brokers can in any case exchange Japanese stocks. This is additionally helped by a development of most market times. Twilight exchanging is accessible from most web based exchanging firms. For contributing masters, innovation gives operational ability to taking care of more stocks and significantly expanded volumes of exchanging. Masters can follow extra wellsprings of market data, and various exchanging and post-exchange works, all on â€Å"one screen†at work or at home. They are likewise offered interfaces to â€Å"upstairs†hazard the executives frameworks. They likewise have flexiblity to rework their physical workspaces, terminals and practical exercises. Floor representatives are assisted with underpins for an industry-wide exertion to think about purchase/sell contracts for precision soon after the exchange. They are additionally given adaptability in building up working connections utilizing the new remote voice headsets and hand-held information terminals. The capacity to give new and improved data administrations to their exchanging work areas and institutional clients is given. They have an exhaustive request the executives framework, that organizes and tracks every remarkable request. Innovation gives a market†s part associations adaptability in deciding how to staff their exchanging floor activities just as flexiblity in utilizing that market†s gave frameworks, systems and terminals or interfacing their own innovation. They are given affirmation that their market will have the frameworks limit and exchanging floor activities to deal with day by day exchanging and in billions of offers. Part associations get quicker request dealing with and related reports to their clients, alongside speedier and improved market data. They likewise have an administrative domain, which guarantees part organiztions that their clients, enormous and little, can exchange with certainty. Innovation likewise permits lower costs, in spite of expanding volumes and improved items. Organizations recorded on the NYSE are given an electronic connection so they may investigate every day exchanging their stock, and analyze advertise execution during different timeframes. The innovation likewise underpins the perceivability of tasks and data, and managed sell off market systems, which recorded organizations anticipate from their â€Å"primary†advertise on the side of their capital-raising exercises and their investor administrations. Foundations get improved data stream from the exchanging floor, utilizing new remote advancements, as to pre-opening circumstances, profundity of market, and signs of purchase/sell enthusiasm by other huge brokers. Likewise bolstered are the reasonable, organized, and profoundly fluid markets which foundations require so as to assign the assets they have under administration in the case of setting orders in size for singular stocks (square requests) or executing programs (a progression of up to 500 requests normally identified with a record). For institutional financial specialists, innovation gives data on convenient exchanges and statements and makes them accessible through part firms, showcase information administrations, link communicates and news media. They likewise are furnished with an extremely compelling method of dealing with â€Å"smaller†orders, giving them interchanges need and full closeout advertise investment for â€Å"price improvement†yet turning the normal market request around in 22 seconds. Value continuitity and limited citation spreads, which are under consistent market surveillence and an administrative domain which authorizes exchanging rules intended to secure â€Å"small investors†are additionally upheld. There are a wide range of sorts of hardware utilized on the financial exchange. One of these machines is SuperDot, an electronic request steering framework through which part firms of the NYSE transmit market and breaking point arranges straightforwardly to the exchanging post where the stock is exchanged. After the request has been finished in the closeout advertise, a report of execution is returned legitimately to the part firm office over the equivalent electronic circuit that carried the request to the exchanging floor. SuperDot can at present procedure about 2.5 billion offers for each day. Another bit of apparatus is the Broker Booth Support System. The BBSS is a best in class request the board framework that empowers firms to rapidly and effectively process and deal with their requests. BBSS permits firms to specifically course arranges electronically to either the exchanging post or the stalls on the exchanging floor. BBSS bolsters the accompanying representative capacities: recieving orders, entering orders, rerouting orders, giving reports, research, and survey different administrations through terminal â€Å"windows†. The overhead â€Å"crowd†show is America†s first business use of enormous scope, superior quality, level screen plasma innovation. It shows exchanges and statements for each stock. The showcase additionally shows contending national market framework cites. Clear, neat data is shown at wide survey edges. Full shading and video capacities are additionally given. The â€Å"Hospital Arm†Monitor is suspended for helpful review by masters. Different information sources that are shown incorporate retail location books, overhead â€Å"crowd†shows, showcase montage and different seller administrations. The rundown of data sources is going to keep growing. The Point-of-Sale Display Book is an instrument that enormously expands the specialist†s volume dealing with and handling abilities. Utilizing incredible workstation innovation, this database sysem keeps up the breaking point request book for which the master has organization obligation, aids the chronicle and dispersal of exchanges and citation changes, and encourages the exploration of requests. The entirety of this serves to wipe out administrative work and handling orders. The Consolidated Tape System is a coordinated, overall revealing arrangement of cost and volume information for exchanges recorded protections in every household advertise in which the protections are exchanged. The Hand-Held is a portable, hand-held gadget that empowers dealers to recieve orders, disperse reports, and send showcase â€Å"looks†in the two information and picture group, from anyplace on the exchanging floor. Intermarket Trading System is a presentation that was introduced in 1978 connecting all major U.S. trades. ITS permits NYSE and NASDAQ experts and representatives to look at the cost of a security exchanged on numerous trades so as to get the best cost for the speculator. These are the machines that have helped extraordinarily increment the purchasing and selling of stocks in the course of recent years. There are extraordinary focal points to exchanging today over the circumstance that past dealers had. The greatest recipients of this new innovation are speculators themselves. They have the entire day to exchange as opposed to exchanging just during market hours, they have more stocks to browse, and the business sectors are high so individuals are raking in boatloads of cash. All in all, I have found that the examination I have done on this task has uncovered what I initially thought to be valid. That will be that the securities exchange has incredibly profited by the ongoing advances in innovations.
Friday, July 17, 2020
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Adult ADHD
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Adult ADHD ADHD Adult ADD/ADHD Print Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the Treatment of ADHD Interview About CBT With Dr. J. Russell Ramsay By Keath Low Keath Low, MA, is a therapist and clinical scientist with the Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities at the University of North Carolina. She specializes in treatment of ADD/ADHD. Learn about our editorial policy Keath Low Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 13, 2020 ADHD Overview Symptoms Causes Diagnosis Treatment Living With In Children Gary Waters / Getty Images In This Article Table of Contents Expand The Role of CBT in Adult ADHD Treatment CBT in Daily Life Changing Behavior With CBT Finding a CBT Professional View All What sets cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) apart from other forms of psychotherapy is the emphasis it places on the interactive role of cognitionsâ€"automatic thoughts, images, belief systemsâ€"and behaviors. CBT certainly does not ignore emotions, but rather targets problematic thinking and behavior patterns as the entry point to understanding and addressing the difficulties for which people seek treatment. CBT was originally designed as a treatment for depression and research has consistently demonstrated that it is an effective therapeutic approach for mood problems. Subsequent studies have shown CBT to be helpful for other common problems, such as various types of anxiety, substance use, other mood problems, and some medical issues, such as dealing with sleep problems or headaches. The past decade has seen many clinical researchers who have worked on modifying CBT to address coping difficulties associated with adult ADHD. The Role of CBT in Adult ADHD Treatment Medications are considered the first line of treatment for ADHD in terms of treating the core symptoms of ADHD. There are a variety of medication treatments for ADHD whose benefits operate through their effects on brain functioning, generally producing improvements in sustained attention, managing distractions, and impulse control. For many people, these symptom improvements lead to functional improvements in their daily lives, such as being better able to keep track of items, experiencing less physical restlessness and greater impulse control, and being able to sustain focus on work or reading for reasonable lengths of time, to name a few. Beyond Medication Many individuals, however, may continue to struggle with the effects of ADHD despite adequate medication treatment. That is, individuals may continue to experience residual symptoms of ADHD and/or have ongoing difficulties with implementing the coping strategies that they know would be helpful. Moreover, individuals with ADHD may struggle with difficulties managing their emotions in daily life, an increasingly recognized feature of ADHD, or may experience problematic levels of depressed mood, anxiety, substance use, or low self-confidence. These adults with ADHD require additional help to experience improved well-being and functioning in their daily lives. Some adults with ADHD may continue to have symptoms and face emotional difficulties even after they start taking medication. Adding CBT to their treatment plan can help. CBT has been found to be a useful adjunctive treatment that directly addresses the sorts of impairments and coping issues associated with adult ADHD that were described above. While the coping solutions may seem simpleâ€"use a daily planner, start working on tasks well in advance of their deadline, break large tasks into smaller tasksâ€"they can be difficult to implement. Facing these longstanding challenges may also trigger negative thoughts, pessimism, self-criticism, and feelings of frustration that create additional barriers to follow-through. There also may be a minority of individuals with ADHD who cannot take medications due to medical contraindications, intolerable side effects, non-response, or who simply decline medications for whom CBT may be the central treatment approach. Hence, CBT may be recommended in cases in which medications alone are not sufficient to address problems associated with ADHD. CBT and Daily Life With ADHD A common example is a patient who arrives late for the first session citing that addressing poor time management is a goal for CBT. Such events are used to reverse engineer the various component parts of the problem in order to provide increased understanding of how ADHD (and other factors) may contribute to the development and maintenance of their functional problems, in this case, poor time management, and to provide some initial ideas for coping strategies. This sort of review also allows treatment to be personalized to the individuals circumstances, thereby making it a relevant and salient opportunity to strategize for the implementation of coping skills. To continue with the aforementioned example, the issue of time management related to being late for an appointment could have several causes, such as: Poor schedule-keeping (e.g., not having a daily planner with a record of the appointment)Disorganization (e.g., not being able to find the piece of paper with the appointment date and time)Poor problem-solving (e.g., not thinking through options for obtaining the appointment time, such as researching the number for the office and calling to confirm)Poor planning (e.g., not setting a realistic time frame for leaving for the appointment, factoring in travel, parking, etc.),Becoming over-focused on distracting tasks (e.g., working on the computer) There may also be issues related to anticipation of the appointment that creates barriers to follow-through. Feelings of anxiety can be distracting and lead to avoidant behaviors. Task-interfering cognitions, either negative (e.g., This doctor will not tell me anything I have not already heard) or positive (e.g., Im sure there will be plenty of parking or It wont matter much if Im late) can also affect follow-through. Each of these components of poor time management offers an opportunity for change. As the various difficulties associated with ADHD are identified, there will be recurring themes that emerge and the various coping skills discussed can be applied to various situations to improve overall functioning. CBT is not a quick fix and skills must be implemented in a consistent fashion, but the combination of increased recognition of the effects of ADHD and a plan for handling them provides a template for making sense of what had previously been experienced as factors beyond ones control. Changing Behaviors With CBT Procrastination is one of the most common problems reported by adults with ADHD. Although virtually every patient with ADHD cites procrastination as an issue, every individuals struggle is unique. After having defined procrastination as a target for treatment, the patient is encouraged to share specific examples, preferably recent ones, of procrastination in his or her daily life. We slowly and collaboratively review in specific terms the ultimate goal of the task, be it simple, such as organizing a shopping list, or more complex, such as writing a paper for a college class. We then review the individuals relationship with the task, either recent experiences of procrastination or the current anticipation of the task. We discuss the plan for the task, the component parts of the task in order to break it down into steps (also known as chunking), identifying any potential barriers or factors that could influence follow-through. An important aspect of this process also is to explicitly explore the individuals cognitive and emotional reactions at the prospect of this task. Questions we commonly ask include: What thoughts go through your mind about performing this task?What emotions do you notice when you think about this task?What is it like to be in your skin when you are facing this task? The purpose of these questions is to uncover the role of negative thoughts and emotions that may contribute to procrastination. We also want to identify the persons escape behaviors and rationalizations, such as Ill check my e-mail first and then Ill get right to work. The CBT interventions operate in the way executive functions are designed to operate, to help individuals to be able to plan, organize, and choreograph their time, energy, and effort in order to accomplish tasks that may not be immediately rewarding (although the small rewards of completing small steps is often minimized) but that are associated with larger, more rewarding outcomes. How to Get Through Your To-Do List if You Have ADHD Individuals identify the specific plan for implementing specific skills on a specific day and time on a specific task to increase the likelihood of follow-through (e.g., When you walk in the door after work, you may drift towards the television and rationalize that you need to veg out; what can you do differently to make sure that you get your mail before you sit down? Where can you sort through the mail for that day? What will you say back to those rationalizations for procrastination?). The goal of CBT is to make coping strategies stick so a person with ADHD can remember and use them in their daily lives. The process is not always an easy one and it is common that change occurs in a two steps forward, one step back manner, but these sorts of skills delivered in the context of a relationship with a therapist who understands adult ADHD can be helpful for many people. Being able to discuss your own observations about your ADHD as well as questions you may have with an experienced healthcare professional can be invaluable. Many people find these types of discussions with their doctors to be therapeutic and to affect change in their day-to-day lives. ADHD Discussion Guide Get our printable guide for your next doctors appointment to help you ask the right questions. Download PDF Finding a CBT Professional There are organizations devoted to the dissemination of CBT, such as the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies and the Academy of Cognitive Therapy that have therapist locator features on their websites. However, many practitioners who are quite skilled in CBT may not be familiar with issues faced by adults with ADHD. Likewise, there are organizations devoted to ADHD that have professional directories on their websites that include a variety of mental health professionals but these clinicians may not be familiar with CBT approaches. The National Resource Center (associated with Children and Adults with ADHD [CHADD]) has listings of adult ADHD providers and programs and the Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA), which is an organization devoted to issues related to adult ADHD, also offers a listing of providers. Find Support With the 9 Best Online Therapy Programs There are a growing number of adult ADHD specialty clinics around the United States and the world, including many that provide CBT-oriented treatment approaches. Harvard University/Massachusetts General Hospital and Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, NYU all have active programs in the United States. There are excellent programs exploring psychosocial treatments for adult ADHD in Canada, Finland, and Germany. Very often people find out about good therapists in their area by contacting these resources or clinics in their region and finding out if there are qualified therapists nearby who can be consulted. Unfortunately, because CBT for adult ADHD is a clinical specialty to which all clinicians are not exposed, there may be some locations without experienced therapists. However, there are increasing numbers of published treatment manuals and clinically oriented professional books that can serve as useful resources to clinicians. 6 Places to Find Help for Adult ADHD
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Grocery And Supermarket Chain Essay - 1643 Words
More and more modern customers are used to shop online nowadays and they have the increasingly interest to deal with all aspects of daily life through clicking keyboard. Even the traditional industries like grocery stores and drugstores have extended their business channels into the internet in order to meet more customers’ needs (Geunes 2004, p.218). The grocery and supermarket industry develops quite fast in the UK for the past few decades. There are more than 86,000 grocery physical stores operate in the UK now that range form supermarket chains to superstores, convenience stores and traditional retailing stores. Different supermarkets are concentrate on particular market segments in the UK. For instance, Tesco is the most famous British supermarket chain that focuses on middle level markets. Waitrose is a typical high-end grocer, providing high quality products, ASAD focuses on discount grocery, and Spar is a typical 24hr convenience store. Shopping with various supermarke ts have become an indispensable part of British people’s daily life nowadays (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2016). According to Office for National Statistics (ONS) (2016), the average weekly grocery and supermarket sales has reached 2.8 billion pounds in March 2016. The development of British grocery and supermarkets industry has had a vital effect in the national economy. The UK is a developed country; it opens telecommunications market as early as 1980s which contributes to the high internetShow MoreRelatedAn Executive Summary for Woolworths a Major Supermarket Grocery Store Chain in Australia2120 Words  | 9 PagesExecutive summary: Woolworths is the major supermarket grocery store chain in Australia, owned by Woolworths Limited. Woolworths is an incorporated public company, listed on the Australian stock exchange. This company has incomplete permissible responsibility through its shareholders and lies in the tertiary industry and retail sectors. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Theory Of The General And Fundamental Nature Of Reality
Philosophy is the study of the general and fundamental nature of reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind and language. The main purpose of the philosophy is to reflect events intellectually rather than reacting to them emotionally. It is a general approach to a task or opinion on an issue. There are plenty of philosophers who have tried to generalize the broad sense of the philosophy in their own distinctive way. They have solved the philosophical problems and told the world that the philosophical problems or the disputes are not caused by the lack of factual information but they are caused by the difference of the meaning, value or interpretation about the certain things. And they have shown and written many evidences to support their evidences. We have studied about many philosophers and their perception about different parts of a philosophy and we also studied about the issues. Out of the few issues that we studied, I found egoism theory to be more argumentative and it stocked on my mind. Basically egoism is a theory that talks about one self and tells that one’s self is, or should be, the motivation and the goal of one’s own action. I can agree and disagree the concept of this theory. It is true that people should be motivated by their own interests and desires. The feeling of self should enrich the mind of the people. Motivation to perform certain tasks comes from inside and people can only perform that tasks properly if they think that it is for themShow MoreRelatedEssay on Theory Of Knowledge1523 Words  | 7 PagesTheory Of Knowledge In today’s society, science is regarded as being the most trusted form of knowledge, leading to many claiming it to be the supreme form of knowledge. To investigate whether or not this is justified we must compare science to other forms/areas of knowledge and consider what they each contribute. 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To what extent and in what ways is Fitzgerald purely critical of Gatsby’s dreams Free Essays
One of the main themes of ‘The Great Gatsby’ is that of dreams, none of which is more noticeable than Gatsby’s own dream of five years in his pursuit of Daisy. What is less obvious is how Fitzgerald wants us to react to these dreams, and whether he is being purely critical of them or whether he in fact does also reveal some good in them. In this essay I aim to show that although in a lot of ways Fitzgerald is critical of Gatsby’s dreams, for example by ensuring that Daisy can never live up to the vision of herself which Gatsby has created, he is not entirely disapproving and in several cases even goes as far as to suggest that dreaming is what makes us human. We will write a custom essay sample on To what extent and in what ways is Fitzgerald purely critical of Gatsby’s dreams? or any similar topic only for you Order Now One way in which we may be unsure about Fitzgerald’s presentation of Gatsby’s dreams is whether they are meant to appear romantic or slightly pathetic. At face value it can seem to be extremely romantic that Gatsby has waited these five years and remained so loyal to Daisy, and I think that it this way Fitzgerald wants us to be on Gatsby’s side. Gatsby himself is portrayed as being a very romantic character and this can be seen in his speech when he talks about the past, for example telling Nick that â€Å"His heart beat faster as Daisy’s white face came up to his own. He knew that when he kissed this girl, and forever wed his unutterable visions to her perishable breath, his mind would never romp again like the mind of God†. Fitzgerald clearly is making Gatsby appear to be very wistful and dreamlike, and also is making us more sympathetic to him by making his affair with Daisy and his dreams appear to be very romantic. This would obviously cause the reader to sympathise more with Gatsby later in the book when everything falls apart, and I think that it is clearly true that Gatsby believes that his love of Daisy is very perfect and beautiful. However, this quotation could also be read that Gatsby is going too over the top and is trapped in the past by his dreams. Another good place to see this occurring is when Nick warns Gatsby that he cannot recreate the past and Gatsby replies with â€Å"‘Can’t repeat the past? Why of course you can! ‘†. This seems like a very irrational thing for Gatsby to say and it begins us questioning what he really wants from his dreams, whether it is Daisy or just to have the past back as it was. Fitzgerald may be doing this to show Gatsby as a man who is just clutching at a past he no longer has and this may make him appear slightly pathetic. The exclamation mark gives him a sense of panic and questioning makes him appear to be almost incredulous to any other way of seeing the situation, which I think is more critical of Gatsby’s dreams as they have blinded him to reality. Overall however, when it comes to romanticism or a slightly pathetic appearance, Fitzgerald remains quite ambiguous and leaves it more up to the reader to reach a decision by themselves. , Whichever way it is viewed however, I think in both situations we still have sympathy for Gatsby when his reality doesn’t quite live up to the vision. When Fitzgerald comments that â€Å"no amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man can store up in his ghostly heart†, I think that he is making the quite depressing point here that dreams will always disappoint in the end because reality can never live up to what you can dream of. This is quite a negative view of the outcome of dreams but is perhaps not entirely critical of the idea of having dreams and something to strive for in the first place. Although it may appear that Fitzgerald is condemning dreaming, I actually believe that in this case he may be more positive about it than it seems at first. The character of Gatsby is portrayed as a dreamer, and these aims and human feelings which he possesses ensure that he is much more of an attractive character than for example, Jordan, who has no such dreams or ambitions for the future and is often associated with words such as â€Å"lazy†and â€Å"cool†. This makes her seem a lot less human than Gatsby and we empathise with him far more, which I think Fitzgerald wants us to do. This suggests that Fitzgerald is supportive of ‘the dreamer’ and tells us that he is not opposed to the idea of dreams in general. In fact he associates the illusion with the phrase â€Å"colossal vitality†which again evokes the idea that dreams are linked with the essence of being human and that Fitzgerald views Gatsby’s dreams with something other than pure criticism. One of the main criticisms which Fitzgerald does have of Gatsby’s dreams is the materialism inherent with them. To gain Daisy’s affections, Gatsby accumulates extortionate wealth and belongings to attract her, and Daisy herself represents something of the materialistic upper class which Gatsby strives to become a part of. This is very concisely put when Gatsby says of Daisy â€Å"her voice is full of money†. Daisy’s voice has particular prominence as a motif throughout the book but at this point it is almost a leit motif as it gains meaning. All we can judge Daisy by is her voice, we never know her thoughts or what she is really thinking as what she says is usually quite empty. By saying that her voice is full of money, Gatsby is pinpointing that superficial charm which she has and perhaps even that in being entranced by her voice he has actually fallen for her wealth. This is an extremely critical way of looking at Gatsby’s feelings and we probably don’t want to believe it of him, but I think we can see it very clearly in Daisy, especially when she sees his Gatsby’s house for the first time. In her exclamation of â€Å"that huge place there? †and her reaction to the extravagant wardrobe, we can see that Fitzgerald is showing Daisy as well as Gatsby to be very focussed on the material and the possessions. I think that this is a point Fitzgerald wants to make on the subject of ‘The American Dream’, of which Gatsby’s own dream is quite symbolic. As Americans, the characters would have been brought up to believe that they could strive to achieve anything and, in short, that nothing was out of their reach. Fitzgerald is not only questioning the belief in this, but also the means of getting to it and is making a point about how society has taken this dream to be something materialistic and to do with what you can own, rather than more spiritual or meaningful dreams. In respects to materialism I think that Fitzgerald is almost purely critical of Gatsby, as what he appears to be searching for is not just Daisy but the entire social and economical class which she represents. Another interesting way in which Fitzgerald portrays Gatsby’s dreams is by making Daisy seem quite an unworthy person to long for. Although, as said in the previous paragraph, she is superficially very beautiful and rich, there appears to be very little under the surface and she tends to talk in quite empty and fantastical phrases such as â€Å"I’d like to just get one of those pink clouds and put you in it and push you around. †In that case Fitzgerald’s alliteration of ‘pink’, ‘put’ and ‘push’, as well as the polysyndeton, make her phrasing seem childish and simple – not really that of someone who could be relied on for a long lasting relationship. In some ways we may think that Fitzgerald is criticising Gatsby’s dreams at this point, after all it seems worthless that he would have spent all this time loving someone who is in fact not worth it at all. This is incredibly clear to us after we see Daisy’s awful behaviour after the accident when she drives away without stopping, and in a way we can see her treatment of Gatsby as quite similar to this, driving along with him, leaving destruction in her wake and escaping away as fast as she can. In this way Fitzgerald is being very critical and it could seem as if his message is that no matter how much you love someone and dream about them, they could just as easily let you down and run away. I think that there is also a slight positive side to Fitzgerald’s choice of making Daisy an unworthy dream, as it shows that everybody can be loved by someone, however this is not very strong as Gatsby does not love Daisy with her faults, and rather it seems that he is just immune to seeing her flaws. Fitzgerald in fact, is probably somewhere in between these views; he is not directly attacking dreams or even Gatsby’s dreams, but he is more in this case attacking Daisy’s character. Although it may be a large lack of judgement skills on Gatsby’s side, we cannot blame him entirely and again we still feel sorry for him when Daisy does eventually let him down. Overall I think that it is clear that there is a strong sense of ambiguity when it comes to Fitzgerald’s attitude to Gatsby’s dreams. However, I feel that the main point he wishes to make is that there is nothing wrong with dreaming, you just have to be careful when choosing your dreams that what you are longing for is actually worthwhile and won’t end up hurting you more than it can make you happy. In Gatsby’s case his aim appears to be more to make us feel sorry that he was so misguided in his choice of dream, rather than to berate him for dreaming at all. How to cite To what extent and in what ways is Fitzgerald purely critical of Gatsby’s dreams?, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Liberal Party Of Canada Essays - Members Of The Order Of Merit
Liberal Party Of Canada A liberal, by definition is a person who favours reform, especially in government, economics, and religion, and who prefers democratic or republican forms of government in a constitutional state. This definition generally outlines the definition of the Liberal Party of Canada but as we will see the Liberals are often difficult to define because they occupy the centre of the political spectrum. Part of the reason for the Liberal's past success is based on their ability to keep both French and English Canada relatively happy. I. History The Liberal Party was formed around the year 1867. This name was given to the party from the reform groups of Canada East and Canada West in the late 1840s. The party members lead the charge for a responsible government. The early Liberals did not gain power federally until 1873 and since that time the Liberals have held power 58 of last 100 years, 34 of last 50. Also every leader of the party has been Prime Minister with the exception of Edward Blake. The following is a list of the leaders of the federal Liberal party: ? Alexander Mackenzie-leader1867-1878 ? Edward Blake-leader 1878-1887 ? Sir Wilfrid Laurier-leader 1887-1919 ? W.L.M. King-leader 1919-1948 ? Louis St. Laurent-leader 1948-1957 ? Lester B. Pearson-leader 1957-1968 ? Pierre Elliott Trudeau-leader 1968-1984 ? John Turner-1984-1989 ? Jean Chretien-leader 1990-present The Liberal Party has been in power for 58 of the last 100 years and hopes to maintain this record in the upcoming election. II. Present Leader Jean Chretien is the present leader of the federal Liberals. He was born in 1934 at Shawiningan, Que. He studied law at the Laval University and after completing his bars, practised law for several years in Shawiningan. Mr. Chr?tien joined the Shawiningan law firm of Chr?tien, Landry, Desch?nes, Trudel and Normand in 1958. He served as director of the Bar of Trois-Rivi?res in 1962-63. In 1963 he was elected to the House of Commons. The following is a list of parliamentary positions held by Chretien throughout his political career: ? First elected to the House of Commons in 1963 as M.P. for the constituency of Saint-Maurice-Lafl?che ? Parliamentary Secretary to Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson, July 1965 ? Minister of State attached to the Minister of Finance April 1967 ? Minister of National Revenue January 1968 ? Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development July 1968 ? President of the Treasury Board, August 1974 ? Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce September 1976 ? Minister of Finance September 1977 ? Minister of Justice and Minister of State for Social Development, March 1980 ? Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources September 1982 ? Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for External Affairs, June 1984 In 1984, Chr?tien ran for the leadership of the Liberal Party in 1984 and lost. He resigned from the House of Commons on February 27, 1986 and after a four-year spell away from politics, gained leadership of the Liberal Party on June 23, 1990. He was elected once again elected to the House of Commons on December 10, 1990, by means of a by-election in the riding of Beaus?jour (New Brunswick). He was sworn in as Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons on December 21, 1990. Chretien was then re-elected on October 25, 1993 and his party formed a majority government in which he was the Prime Minister. III. The Liberal Party in the 2000 Election At the time parliament was dissolved, the Liberals held 161 of 301 seats in the House of Commons. The Liberal's main opponent in this election will be the newly formed Canadian Alliance. The Party is facing strong criticism in its decision to call an election with several years still remaining in their political term. IV. Political Platform and Ideologies Some issues that the liberals are focusing on for the upcoming election are: ? ECONOMY? Security and balanced growth ? HEALTH CARE? Improving the health of Canadians ? FAMILIES & CHILDREN? Secure families with happy and healthy children. ? SKILLS & INNOVATION? A Culture of life-long learning ? UNITY? Guaranteeing Canadians' rights and improving a successful federation ? CULTURE? Shaping our Canadian community ? ENVIRONMENT? Innovative protection ? JUSTICE? Restoring faith in safe streets ? FOREIGN POLICY? Canadian values on the world stage ? DEFENCE? Peace abroad and help at home ? WOMEN? Equality and opportunity ? MULTICULTURALISM? A culture of compassion ?
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